Purple Everywhere

Purple Everywhere
Daily Herald picture

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Kind Words From Friends at Christmas

I was cleaning out our master closet to give Dale some more room (sort of a early, service Christmas present) when I found a hand painted purple gift box that Miriam gave me a few years ago for Christmas. Inside were slips of red and green paper that friends had written on. Reading their comments again definitely brought the Christmas spirit and water-filled eyes into my morning.

Amy - I have a very special place in my heart for you Trish. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to teach Primary with you and to get to know what a special person you are. I have heard about your struggles as a child and I am so amazed how you have overcome them and have such a positive attitude and always a smile on your face. I remember when you told me you had cancer. I prayed for you that you would be OK. I watched you battle with such grace and dignity. I also watched you battle for children that weren't even yours. How you took them in and loved them just as you would your own flesh and blood. It takes a great person to do such a thing. You are a great example to me. I am blessed to know you.

Marilyn - I'm glad to come early each Sunday because you come early too and play and the organ and I'm so happy that you do that. Thanks for the beautiful music.

Stacy - I feel truly blessed to have you and your family as part of our ward family. As I have watched you go through and endure the trials of this life I have always noticed the smile on your face. Knowing these times have been tough I admire your resilience and your hope and faith. You are a special sister in my ward family to me and I look up to you. I have watched your family grow and change and you are to be commended for your love and patience with them. I wish you the best Christmas yet, and many more wonderful ones to come.

Guzzman - We all love you playing the organ for us. I ask for help for you for all of your endeavors. May you have a good year.

Cathy - Trish Howard is such an amazing woman! She is such a great example of strength and enduring trials with a positive attitude! Her countenance shines with a strong testimony! She is always willing to help others and magnifies her callings. She is so talented and willing to share her talents to benefit others. I truly admire her generous spirit and strength. She is a great example of what she believes which then strengthens all those around her.

Sonya - Knowing both the physical and emotional energy it takes to practice and perform the organ, I am both amazed and grateful each week that you come share your talents with us.

Martha - You are such an inspiration. Your example and endurance have amazed me. I love to see your smiling face--always, no matter what you are going through, you always have a cheerful word. You truly are a "master of many trades" and a special daughter of God. Thank you for being my hero!

Angie - I love you!

Jen - Thank you for being a wonderful visiting teacher. I've absolutely loved having you in the "circle of trust." You have an amazing way of putting me at ease so that I can be comfortable in sharing tough stuff with you. Thank you for being a listening ear and a smiling support. I know that you've dealt with your own slew of issues. Thank you for being a gracious example of how to deal with problems. Not only that, when you've been down, thank you for sharing that you're feeling that way. I think sometimes we don't want others to know that we're hurting and you have shown that you still hurt and need the love and support. Bravo to you, my friend, for being real. You're the best. I love you.

Katie - I want to let you know how much your kindness means to me. You are the greatest example of sincere and unconditional love. When you came to teach Adam those math games, you not only blew us away with your creativity, you touched our hearts with your deep love. I will never forget the day your brought the wheat-free treat to Ellie around Christmas. You made her feel so special, and I was so amazed at your thoughtfulness. You have a very special place in our hearts. Not that I would want to wish extra work on you, but I always say to John, "I wonder when they will call Trisha Howard as Primary President." You are the perfect example of Christ-like love, and the kids are so lucky now to have you as the music leader. My kids just love you. So do I! With love and best wishes.

Cindy - Thank you for being my friend. I have come to love you and your family. You are such an example to me. I remember when you very first moved into our ward. I used to listen to your comments in Relief Society, and I knew that you had a solid testimony of the Gospel and the Savior. I remember thinking to myself how strong you were. I had no idea then that your example of strength later would just blow that one right out of the water. You have had quite a year. I've watched you deal with trial after trial with grace and optimism. It has been such a blessing to me to learn from you. I think that I am a better person for knowing you. . .in, fact, I know that I am. You also understand the wonderful and also difficult aspects of step-families situations, as do we at our house. I always tell Katie that Ted may not be her dad, but he is her parent. Stepparents do a lot of work in parenting, and I've been so impressed with your kind words about the kids in your home. I've also watched your amazing work not only with these kids, but with all of the children in our ward. You are an amazing music leader. Primary is so lucky to have you! Mostly, I've just enjoyed our friendship. I love you!!

Nora - You have a beautiful spirit and a very strong testimony of the Gospel.

Janice - I haven't had the opportunity to get to know you as I would have liked, but I have been so touched by your quiet spirit of strength and the warmth of your heart. I am grateful I had had the opportunity to be in your presence and witness such grace in the midst of such trials. You are a such a beautiful example.

Kamille - I will always remember and be grateful for the way you reached out to Matt and I when we moved in to the ward. You will never know how much it meant to us. We looked for a familiar face and found it in you. Thank you for your kindness, love, spirit, and example. I am grateful for your friendship and all you do for those around you. You are great!

Jennifer - It's so wonderful for me to be able to write a thought or two about you, Trish. (I think Miriam is wonderful to do this!) If there were one word to describe you, it would have to be "sunshine." I know that sounds juvenile, but if everyone could have the sunny attitude you have, there would be no gloom in the world. You truly epitomize Joseph B. Wirthlin's counsel, come what may and love it." You have a huge capacity for love and the personality of a true friend. Thank you for your example and Merry Christmas 2009!

Cami - The mountains you have been called to climb in the time that I have known you have been unthinkable for most. You have endured well. The gracefulness, faithfulness, and faith in which you have endured have been an example to us all. You have left a strong witness to many but especially for your family. The children have watched and have "learned wisdom in their youth" through your example. I have relished teaching Jordan in Sunday School. Your name and your example came up many times in our lessons. The hymns mean so much more to me when I think of the strength they give to you especially during your cancer treatments. Thank you, Trish, for your beauty.

Carolyn - I have really enjoyed getting to know you. You have been an amazing example to me of facing trials with faith and smiling through adversity.

Janet - You're an amazing lady! I have grown to love her more than she will ever know. She has touched my life in so many ways. She has played an important role in my son's life also. Trevor, who was born with many disabilities and challenges, was so blessed to have her for his Primary teacher. It was because of her class that he really liked going to church (and he hated it before she taught him). She made the lessons interesting and fun, and took a special interest in Trevor, which he really needed at that time. Trevor knew that she loved him. He never doubted that and that comforted him when there was so much chaos going on inside of his little head. Then she had the privilege of teaching Caleb, my other son. Caleb adored Trish. He was always so excited to see her, not only at church, but he loved to say "hello" to her on our back porch when he would see her come out of her house. Both of my sons have been blessed to have her teach them and love them. Now they have the privilege of being taught music by her in Primary, and they really listen to her. She makes her stories and lessons easy for them to follow and understand. I have grown to love Trish for the great example she has been in my life. She is upbeat, no matter how she feels, and carries a special spirit of "hope" around her when you are with her. There is no doubt in my mind she loves the Savior! She is fun, funny, and has the funniest laugh. She is sensitive to the spirit when she visit teaches, and always prays about how she can serve the sisters she teaches. She is one of my heroes, and I love her. It has been an awesome privilege to be her neighbor, visiting teaching companion, and friend. I love you, Trish!!!! You're the Best!!!!!!

Ronnie - I just wanted to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. I am so grateful to you for your love and support. Your strength and examples helped me so much through my crazy unknown sickness. Thank you so much for going out of your way when you were not feeling fabulous to comfort me and come to the scary doctors. I just love you! Merry Christmas.

Amy - What a wonderful opportunity to tell you how you have touched my life. I have loved getting to know you over the past two years. You have been an example to me of faith and strength. I always love hearing your beautiful singing voice - it really is a gift to you from our Heavenly Father. I wish you a very Merry Christmas with a wish of the best New Year to come!

Jo - We have sure loved your energy and smile in Primary. My kids have come home several times saying how much fun they had in singing time. Thanks for all the energy you put in to make it a good experience for the kids. Thanks for all you do. You are great.

Forgive me if I've misplaced a few slips of paper over the years, but I'm very touched as I re-read and enter these kind words.

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