Purple Everywhere

Purple Everywhere
Daily Herald picture

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Purple War Montage

Some of my dearest neighbors put a montage of pictures from the Purple War Fun Run and parade entry. How did they know that Rascal Flatts is one of my all-time favorite bands?


This morning was the Cedar Hills parade, so Dad, Travis, Braden, and I got to ride in a white, horse-drawn carriage that Shawn Warenski hired for us as part of the Purple War campaign and bake and craft sale.

It was fun.

We threw out two full bags of hard candy and small packages of Skittles, Nerds, Twizzlers, and other treats--over 13 pounds of candy, and it lasted only the first half of the parade. By the second half, we didn't have any more candy to throw out to the kids. Sad!

I'm exhausted from this entire week and sunburnt, and now get to teach the Relief Society lesson on temples tomorrow.

Time for a nap!

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